There is absolutely no doubt that possessing the Cisco certification is the highest acknowledgment in the IT world. People who have obtained these can easily develop their careers, secure job positions, get promotions, and earn more money. However, it also means that passing these exams is very difficult and challenging.
CCNA 200-301 exam is no different. Not only do you have to invest a lot of time and effort when preparing to take it, but you also have to meet some requirements. In the following article, we will provide you with some essential information regarding this exam, as well as some tips on how to study for it.
What is Cisco CCNA (200-301)?
In a nutshell, it is an associate-level certification that tests your knowledge in Network, Security, and Automation areas. People who pass this exam have the necessary skills in installing, operating, configuring, and troubleshooting Cisco networks. In addition, you need to have this certification if you want to take the CCNP certification exam in the future.
When it comes to topics covered by this test, these include Network Fundamentals, Network Access, IP Connectivity, IP Services, Security Fundamentals, and Automation and Programmability. The test itself consists of 120 multiple choice and multi-response questions, and you have 2 hours to complete it. In order to pass, you need to get a score of at least 82.5%. The exam is available in both English and Japanese, and it is valid for three years.

Are there any prerequisites?
No, there aren’t any formal prerequisites, meaning that you don’t need to have a degree. Still, it is recommended to have one in Information Science or Computer Science simply because your future employer will probably require you to have it. Even though it isn’t necessary for you to have formal education in the field, you still have to know some basics because otherwise, you will likely fail.
Why should you take this exam?
Well, taking into consideration that possessing a Cisco badge is the highest acknowledgment in the IT world, it should be enough of a reason to consider it if you want to take this career path. You should think of this test as the first step in building your career since it covers different aspects of the field, and therefore, it will provide you with multiple opportunities when the time comes to choose a specific aspect of the field and the future career.

How to prepare for it?
Now that we have introduced you to this certification, let us give you some practical tips on how to study for it and pass it. Even if you have a lot of knowledge on previously-mentioned topics, you will still have to invest a lot of time and effort while preparing to take the exam.
Why not take full advantage of modern technology? Naturally, you will need to use the old-fashioned method of studying – books. Still, videos can be very beneficial during this process. First of all, they are more appealing and entertaining, and some people simply find books too exhausting. Secondly, tutorials enable you to quickly and easily understand complex concepts. Basically, not only will you save a lot of time, but you will also maintain your motivation and avoid feeling frustrated when things don’t go as smoothly as you thought they would.

Obviously, you cannot get ready to take any kind of exams without these. They are the ultimate source of knowledge, and they will answer all of your questions. When it comes to books you should use for this exam, Cisco recommends two – CCNA Preparatory Library by Stephen McQuerry and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Study Guide by Todd Lammle. Nevertheless, you have to understand that reading these books once won’t be enough. Some of the concepts may be too difficult to understand immediately, meaning that you will have to go over them several times. Basically, they will become your best friend while preparing for the CCNA certification exam.
Practice tests
Once you have gone over all the topics, thoroughly analyzed the books, and watch all the video tutorials, it is time to test your knowledge. There is no better way to understand how much you have learned and which subjects you should revisit than going over these tests and answering each and every question. Besides this, you will also understand the structure of the exam itself. You should start with mock tests that you can find online, and you should also go over 200-301 dumps that are available on the SPOTO website.

Practical experience
Even though you will be taking a traditional test, you are still required to possess some practical experience. This is why it is recommended to have a degree and experience working in the field. If you don’t have any of these, our advice is to sign up for the Cisco training course. These courses are led by experts, and not only will you go through all the topics with them, but you will also gain some practical lab experience.
Naturally, not all candidates choose to go with this course. After all, it can be quite expensive, and it is not necessary for everyone to go through with it. Yes, you can prepare for it on your own, but you run the risk of skipping some important subjects that may be included in the exam.
Join an online community
Finally, you should also contact other candidates and people who already took the exam in the past. Luckily, there are numerous forums online that you can choose between. These are great for meeting other people who are tackling the same task as you. You can start a study group, share resources, or simply help each other during this process. What’s more, you will connect with professionals and experts in the field, you can and ask them to help you resolve any issues or clarify anything you are struggling with.

Wrapping up
To sum up, these are essential information and techniques you should implement while studying for this test. As you can see, you can use multiple resources, and the most important thing you have to understand is that you will need all of these. Due to the test’s complexity, it is crucial to combine these resources to score the highest results and pass the exam smoothly.