Having your own little garden means that you can create life and get something in return right in your home. You do not even need a big garden to do is as a small balcony with a few flowerbeds will do just fine. Once you make the decision to plant something you will start enjoying a completely new experience of caring and nurturing something that will give you literal health and remedies in return.
We mean of course planting some utility herbs that you can use both in cooking and as healthy remedies to elevate your immune system and give yourself and your family some fresh and tasty goodness. In this article we will explore the world of herbs and bring them a little closer to you so that you can decide which one would make the most sense in your garden. If you wish to learn more about them we highly advise you to check this out.
1. Calendula

The first herb on our list is also known by another name, pot marigold. It is a widely cherished and beloved herb that has been a familiar ingredient for centuries. The petals themselves are edible so you do not even need any preparations. As a whole flower, this plant is a very useful medicinal herb that is typically used to treat various skin conditions. Topical products like oils and salves are made with it to be used on rashes, burns, dry skin, and wounds. Most diaper creams and have it as the main ingredient and that is basically all you need to know about its effectiveness. For consumption, feel free to make teas, broths, and tinctures. When taken like this it has antifungal lymphagogue, emmenagogue, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. The beautiful blossoms will make your garden stand out. Make sure to plant it where it gets a lot of sun and use average garden soil.
2. Motherwort

If you are all about easy plants that do not need too much maintenance, look no further than motherwort. This plant is highly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of medicinal purposes. It is best known for relieving the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression as it has calming and relaxing effects. When consumed as a tea or a tincture, is can lessen and ease pains like headaches, cramps, sprains, and soreness. It should be said that teas tend to be quite bitter so go with the tincture if you dislike bitter tastes of your foods and beverages. Women in menopause use this plant a lot as it helps in a variety of ways. What is more, it also does wonders during and after childbirth due to its effects of contractions. Hence its name, which it also got for helping take off effects of tiredness, sleep deprivation, and the general edginess and challenges caused by parenthood!
3. Passionflower

This plant is native to the United States, mainly the southeast of the country. It has beautiful flower that is very intriguing and fascinating to look at. Its flowers and leaves are mainly used to promote good sleeping habits and increase the quality of sleep, as well as to reduce pains and aches of all sorts. The plant is short-lived and it likes to climb over the fences and beams, giving your home and garden a beautiful and colorful look. By the end of summer, they can reach up to 1.5 meters up the walls. This plant loves the sun and it blooms the brightest and opens up the most if it gets enough of it during the day. Average garden soil is more than enough for it but it has to be well-drained. Feel free to make teas and tinctures from the leaves, flowers, and stems.
4. Holy Basil

Holy basil or tulsi as it is also known is a peculiar plant native to countries like Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and India, and it has been a part of their centuries-old traditions in medicine and cuisine. It is mostly known as an herbal tea due to its highly aromatic and antimicrobial properties. Colds, coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis, diabetes, and asthma are all eased and their symptoms reduced by making medicinal teas from the flowers and the leaves. Stress and anxiety levels are lowered too and it can help with chronic headaches. Holy basil is a friend of students and anyone else who has to focus and have a clear mind since it helps with energy levels and makes us feel uplifted. When it comes to dining, holy basil pesto is even better than regular pesto and goes incredibly well with pasta. You should plant it where it gets a ton of sun and in moist garden soil. IT is a perennial herb in warmer climates and an annual in cooler places.
5. Jiaogulan

Also known as the Southern Ginseng or the Sweet Tea Vine, this amazing and seemingly ordinary leaf is very important in Southeast Asian countries. There, it is a traditional folk herb that has been used for generations as a more affordable and widespread substitute for the regular ginseng. Nowadays it is popular worldwide and in the Western countries it is used for its vitality and longevity properties as a tonic. Its leaves can easily be brewed into a tonic that has proper medicinal uses and can also treat stress, depression, and anxiety, common issues of modern society. That is not all, as jiaogulan is also known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Since it is a vine, it is very easy to grow and maintain. Despite one of its names, it is very bitter and reminiscent of soap. The vine enjoys shade and rich, moist soils. It spreads quite fast if it likes its environment so make sure to consume it or it will outpace you!
6. Spilanthes (Toothache plant) – numb feeling treats toothaches, great for oral health and hygiene
7. Stinging Nettles – high in minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium) and vitamins A and C
8. Wild Bergamot – treats infections, digestive ailments, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
9. Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) – teas and tinctures boost the immune system
10. Meadowsweet (Queen of the Meadow) – treats fevers, heartburn, peptic ulcers, and inflammations