Home Style 6 Grooming & Skin Care Tips For Men Who Travel

6 Grooming & Skin Care Tips For Men Who Travel

Men’s skin needs just the same amount of care as women’s’. Most men enjoy a luxurious skincare routine, but if you are on the go, things can get a bit over the board. Whether you are traveling for business or holidays, you need to keep grooming and skincare essentials with you. Having a shaver or a nose trimmer is not going to be enough for you. There is so much more when it comes to grooming and skincare. However, if you are looking for shavers and trimmers to accompany you on your travel, visit Shavingduck to find out which product is ideal for you.

So, whether you are a skincare enthusiast of not, here are a few tips you need to follow once you are set for traveling.

1. Follow a simple routine

Source: Cosmetics Design Europe

The first and foremost rule for traveling is keeping things simple. You may like to enjoy a fancy or elaborate skincare regime, but once you are traveling, you’ll need to keep things simple. To be honest, how would you feel packing 5-6 skincare products and using them on a flight? Not that convenient, right. So, stick to the basics and leave the rest until you come back.

In case you are wondering what things, you should pack, the answer is simple. The two most essential skincare items your skin simply can survive without a face wash and a face moisturizer for men. Although you can also bring a few extras like a scrub or mask for men, but let me tell you these two are simply necessary!

2. Don’t forget the essentials travel kit

Source: NEWSiNi

Traveling without a traveling kit means forgetting almost every essential thing at home, which won’t do good at all. So, the idea is to create a compact traveling kit. It is like a small pouch that will hold important stuff like toiletries. The things in your travel kit will include a face wash, a moisturizer, a toothpaste, a toothbrush, a hairbrush and a few shaving necessities like a razor, cologne etc.

Always opt for a convenient leather pouch with straps as it is easy to pack, carry and won’t get lost easily. A good travel kit will solve half of your traveling problems as everything will be organized.

3. Keep your destination in mind

Source: Travel + Leisure

Your travel destination has a lot to do with the things you are packing. Just as when you go to a colder place, you pack warm clothes, you have to pack skincare essentials keeping in mind the weather too. For instance, if you are going to a warm and sunny destination, don’t forget to pack sunscreen for men with you. Similarly, when going to a cold place pack a good moisturizer. This way, your skin will stay protected against the sudden change of weather and the harsh climate.

4. Never ignore your beard


If you have a beard, you’ll know the importance of its grooming. Beard is an essential part of a men’s personality. And therefore, requires a car too. So, once you are all set for traveling, make sure you have added a bread oil to your travel kit as well. Especially if you are going to a place where the climate is colder, you definitely need to keep a bread oil to protect your beards from harsh weather. Although you can find several bread oils in the market, having an organic peppermint and tea tree oil will cater to your bread’s every need.

5. Get help from electronics

Source: SPY

If you plan on an extended trip, you will need shaving. You can pack a shaving cream and razors, and aftershaves, etc. but it simply seems too much for the travel. So, why not to pack an electric/rechargeable shaver or trimer for the travel? It’ll take up less space and will be far more convenient to use.

The benefit of having a rechargeable shaver at hand is that you can literally use it anywhere. If you haven’t found time for a proper shave, you can take your shaver with you and get things done even in the bathroom of an airplane. so no need to worry about applying shaving foams, and gels!

6. Sleep, exercise and eat right

Source: Men’s Health

Whether you are traveling by air or by road, you will always end up having jet lag or sleep deprivation. The thing is your sleeping pattern gets visible on your skin. So, above all the skincare routine and products, you need to take care of your beauty sleep. No matter where you are going to, make sure you have at least 8 hours of sound sleep to keep your face and skin fresh.

The same goes for eating habits. Whatever you eat becomes visible on your skin. So, if you eat a lot of junk food, your skin will become oily, and well, you will know what’s wrong.

Similarly, exercise is another important factor you have to keep in mind when traveling. Whether it is for a few days or weeks, if you have an exercise routine, don’t forget to keep it going even if you are traveling. For instance, you may find a hotel with a gym and hit it for the evening. Or you can simply go for a walk and enjoy the scenic view of the neighborhood.

Traveling is fun. And for most people, it is about adventure and enjoyment, so why let your skin starve for the peace of your mind? Whether it’s a business trip or a luxury, make sure you have enough things packed in your bag for yourself, and your skin. Because grooming doesn’t just involve wearing cool clothes, it includes your overall persona!