Renovation is a simple process to make your old bathroom new like in a prescribed time period. You need to put your best possible efforts, only then you will be able to renovate your bathroom in an ideal way. It is not at all a difficult task, you just need to take each step carefully to make it perfect.
The bathroom renovation requires some preparation in advance. You need to do prior work and check our guideline to renovate your bathroom and make a perfect piece of attraction in your home. Here we provide some important tips for bathroom renovation as follows:

1. Create Design
Before you meet anyone, it is recommended to create a design. Draw the bathroom design with your own thoughts and ideas. It will increase your creativity and the design will reflect what kind of bathroom you exactly want to make in your house.
You should know the available space area in your bathroom to create a proper overview in the design. The bathroom design you make should include all the equipment, storage, lighting, furniture and decorations. It should be a complete bathroom design filled with your innovative ideas and wishful thoughts.
You need to make a drawing of your dream bathroom to get a better vision. When you draft your idea on a paper, it will bring a practical approach to your thoughts. Now, you have more clarity and you can add, edit and alter your ideas to make a perfect new bathroom after renovation. If you are not so good in drawing then you can get help of a friend or relative who is good at it.
2. Make List
Once the design is ready, you can see the things you need for renovation. You should make a list of equipment, tools, people and raw material required for the renovation of your bathroom. When you make list, don’t forget to add an interior designer who will help you make your desired bathroom in limited space. Once, the list is ready, you are one step ahead walking in the bathroom renovation process.

3. Discuss with Expert
The first two steps are based on your own knowledge and efforts. Now, you need to make your design and ideas practically applicable in the bathroom renovation. You have to find and contact an expert who has the proper experience of making new bathrooms and renovations.
The expert can be an architect and/or an interior designer. However, the bathroom renovation work is executed by a contractor. It means you need to discuss your bathroom renovation thoughts and ideas with more than one persons.
You should not make any prejudice about the expert or contractor before the discussion. Just discuss how you want to make your bathroom new and add beautiful equipment to it. The expert can give better ideas, help you to make your design more practical and give you the expected cost of the bathroom renovation.
4. Check Online
The old days are gone when you had to visit so many local stores to find equipment for your bathroom. At present, you can buy everything online with completely safety and security. You need a sink, bathtub, shower, toilet, furniture and many other things for your bathroom.
You should search your desired product online and check reviews. Thereafter select the product with highly positive reviews to get the best quality product. In addition to the manufacturer’s warranty, some products come with a replacement guarantee for any defect found or happened in the product within a few days of purchase.

5. Protect Walls
The bathroom is the most humid place in your house. Your family members spread there a lot of water everyday. The walls get affected by the humidity in the bathroom, especially the lower section. The paint may get stripped after a few years of consistent use.
You are going to renovate your bathroom now. So it is a great idea to add tiles in the lower section of your bathroom walls. You need to find some attractive, sturdy tiles to fill the half area (from floor to your head) of your bathroom to protect the walls from water, dirt, humidity and other infecting things.
You need to find the tiles which are sturdy and have matching color with your bathroom decors. It means you have to consider the wall color, furniture and other equipment while choosing tiles for protecting your bathroom walls from water and humidity.
6. Toilet Is Must
You need to go through the best available toilets in the market at present. You can check reviews here to know important functions and find one or more toilets that meet all your needs. Thereafter you can finalize one toilet which will fit your bathroom as well as your budget.
A Toilet is available in one-piece design as well as two-piece design. The one-piece toilet is easy to clean and a two-piece toilet is easy to repair when required. The toilet bowl shape is also important. You should consider elongated bowl to get extra legroom or get round front bowl for saving space.

7. Bathtub and Shower
The bathtub and shower are also important for a bathroom. You should find a suitable bathtub and shower from the market. Make sure that the bathtub/shower you select will match the available space in your bathroom.
You don’t believe that bathtubs are always large and require a lot of space. Actually, the bathtubs are also available in medium to compact size to meet small bathroom needs. You should see the available models and select a bathtub and a shower that satisfy your need as well as fit into your bathroom.
8. Think Storage and Furniture
You need storage options in your bathroom for towel, shampoo and other things. You should decide the location of the cabinet, hangers and shelves in advance. It will help you get proper and perfect storage in your bathroom.
When your bathroom is large, you can buy a cabinet and other furniture for storage purposes. If you have a small bathroom then get hangers, make shelves avoid space eating objects. You can also add a wall cabinet behind the mirror installed right above the sink in your bathroom.

9. Lighting and Decorative Items
You need three or four lights to illuminate your bathroom. One big light is for general use, one for sink and toilet, one for the shower room and etc.. The lights should be in white color for better visibility during day and night time. You should also think about the decorating lights and shining items to make your bathroom more beautiful after renovation.
In this way, you can follow these expert opinions and tips for renovating your bathroom in the best possible way.