Pain is not a natural condition of the body. It’s a signal sent by the body, advising us to visit the doctor. Unlike spinal diseases and low back pain due to strenuous physical work or heavy lifting, lack of physical activity and passivity are the causes of many modern-time diseases. Among them is the discus hernia. A disease that patients describe as unbearable pain.
What is a herniated disc and what are the symptoms?

Discus hernia is one of the most common diseases of modern man. It is more prevalent in persons who spend most of their time in a sitting position. It is one of the most widespread modern diseases characterized by damage to the disc in the spine. That happens due to degenerative changes or injuries. Poor body posture causes severe pain in the shoulders, neck and back. Due to long sitting, a large muscle group has unnatural, static stages. The first thing to suffer is back. At the same time, the muscles become weak and cramps occur.
Herniated disc – symptoms that first occur

Long-lasting and intense radiative pain, which usually falls from the back in one leg or both feet. The pain that does not stop with analgesic therapy and intensifies with coughing and sneezing. Those are the first symptoms of the herniated disc. This is a disease of the spine caused by the “leakage” of the soft part of the intervertebral disc from its bed into the spinal canal. This way it puts pressure on the roots of the nerves. The indescribable pain due to discus hernia in the lumbar back and pelvis is the consequence of the entire reliance on the back on the sitting bones. According to these lumbar spinal stenosis doctors in Atlanta, the lumbar section of the back, when tightened forward, pushes the lateral-lumbar muscle.
This muscle extends from the vertebrae of the spinal column to the femur over the hip joint. Discus hernia affects about 2% of the world’s population and can occur in any part of the spine. Movement of the disc from the intervertebral space in the loin area of the spine results in nerve root entrapment. Therefore, pain and cramps are inevitable. According to Physioinq, the symptoms of disc herniation can also be certain disorders such as urinary disorders, stools or potency in men.
Treatment of discus hernia – therapy

Discus hernia surgery is the case in only 5-10% of patients. Such a small percentage is justified, given that surgery is the final step, and at the same time, it is not a guarantee of permanent cure. Therefore, we can conclude that treating discus hernia without surgery is possible, but it depends on the stage of the disease. Responsible and educated patients generally respond quickly and on time. The second group of patients most often seek professional health care at an advanced stage of the disease. This complicates, prolongs and complicates healing.
After being examined by a physician, a specialist determines individual therapy for the treatment, depending on the neurological condition. As individual therapy must be defined for each patient – it is required to do a thorough examination. After an initial physical examination, therapy usually involves a combination of chiropractic, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation.
Risk factors – how to prevent discus hernia?

Besides lifestyle, excessive physical exertion or long sitting, the risk factors can be genetic predispositions, smoking, and obesity. A healthy diet and moderate physical activity are some of the preventative measures against discus hernia. Due to increased secretion of testosterone, discus hernia is more common in men. Professional and recreational athletes often experience discus hernia due to their workload or injuries.