Home Citizenship Understanding The Process Of Obtaining UK Family Visas For Spouses And Fiancées/Fiancés

Understanding The Process Of Obtaining UK Family Visas For Spouses And Fiancées/Fiancés

Source: imperiallegal.com

The UK is a very popular destination for people interested in moving to another country and starting a career there. It is not a surprise considering the high salaries, great living standard, political stability, and great quality of life.

However, the process of immigrating to this country is not that simple. There are various legal requirements that you need to fulfil. There are different models available, and one of them is the fiancé visa. Getting a UK family visa will require you to follow some rules, and we will provide more details about that in the following article.

Main Features

This option is related to people who want to get married in the country for a British citizen. The great thing is that this model is easier when compared to some other solutions. For example, the UK has a strict migration policy, and it is not always that simple to get the approach to even travel there. However, that depends on the country you are coming from.

There are some simple rules to follow. For example, your spouse will apply in your name by telling the officials about your plans to getting married. After you get a visa, there is a limited time during which you have to get married, and that period is six months.

Source: medium.com


Keep in mind that following rules is the only way to get through this process. Also, making a single mistake can lead to issues, and even a denial. Once you get denied, repeating everything again can be even more challenging.

Therefore, the key is to research all the requirements. First of all, both spouses must be over 18, and to have a clear plan on getting married in a determined time. Also, one of the spouses must be a citizen. However, there are some ways where those with a limited status could also choose this option. For example, people with a working visa who are not permanent citizens. Starting a family will help them get official status.

When it comes to the additional rules, you and your partner must live in the country, and also to be able to have a stable income. The minimum annual median household salary is around 19,000 pounds. There is also a language requirement, where both sides must be at least on level A1.

Source: vietnammedicalpractice.com

Prepare the Documents

Going through the formal process will require a lot of papers. The first one is a complete application that you must send to the officials. That also must include a valid passport, along with all previous passports. The next important detail is to prove that you and your spouse are in a relationship. You can provide various details as evidence, such as social media accounts, letters from friends, shared bills, pictures where you are together, and more.

Moreover, you will need to provide the language test, two photos for the new passport, financial statements, proof that you have a clear background without any legal issues, fingerprints, and even some medical results.

Source: corpnet.com

How to Apply?

Since this is a strict process, you should never rush. Make sure that you are aware of all the rules and details. Also, if you are not sure whether you can complete all requirements, the best decision is to contact an expert in this area that could help and make the whole process easier.

There are also available officials that you can ask for more details and present them your case to learn about potential obstacles. For example, there is a chance that one side cannot fulfil the financial rules. However, there is a chance to get an exemption from that.

That will work in cases where one of the spouses is disabled, or if it was in the Army, has a war disable pension, attendance allowance, police injury compensation, career allowance, and more. In these cases, there is no need to prove that you have at least the minimum living salary.

Furthermore, providing these documents can be difficult if you are not living in the UK at the moment. However, there is a great solution where someone else can provide them in your name. In most cases, the determined person for that is the spouse that already have citizenship.

The last step of the process is to attend the interview. It is crucial to prepare for it in the right way. You will do that only if you manage to collect everything that is needed. There is no need to worry about additional questions. When you collect all details, chances for a denial will be very small.

We have to mention some other important details as well, such as the ability to include your kids in the process. The rule is that they have to be younger than 18, or that they are not already independent, meaning that a student also could get a chance to move and go to some British University.

The officials will consider your application according to various factors. You will have to prove that you have the intention to live and work in the UK. Therefore, you can expect some questions related to your career, skills, and education.

Source: pickvisa.com

The Bottom Line

If you are in a relationship with a UK citizen, choosing this model of getting a visa, and then permanent citizenship is much easier when compared to other solutions. However, it is crucial to follow the rules and complete everything that is required.

The best way to make everything easier is to check out all these details before sending the application. That will provide more time to prepare, especially if you need to pass the language test, or if you need more time to collect some other documents.

In the end, don’t worry in case that you got refused on your first attempt. There is an option to file an appeal where you can start over. However, you should contact a professional to check the possible reasons for refusal, and make sure that you won’t repeat the same mistake again.