Home Business Top 7 Best Coin Sorters

Top 7 Best Coin Sorters

Source: Your Keyword Basket

We can agree that counting coins can take a lot of your time. Just think about it. Every time you clean your wallet or a bag, you probably find a lot of time, and when you collect them on your table, there can be too many. Clearly, you do not want to get rid of them, because well, it is money after all, but you can easily lose count of them.

You probably have a system when it comes to sorting them. You can arrange them in piles according to the value and start counting one at a time, adding the sum in the end. If you own any kind of business and have to do this often, well, then it is just an unnecessary task that you have to complete every single day.

Because of this, nowadays, there are numerous sorters that you can use to facilitate the entire process. The last thing you need after you close your shop is to lose another hour counting them. This is why you should invest in one of these. However, since there are multiple models, you have to find the one that is right for you.

In the following article, we are going to provide you with some useful tips and tell you what things to consider when purchasing one of these. Also, we are going to present to you some of the best ones, but if you want to learn more about them, you should read this guide.

The first thing that you have to decide on is the hopper size. If you are unfamiliar with the terminology, this determines how many coins can fit into a sorter. The number can vary between, so this is obviously something that you have to choose according to your needs. There is no point in buying a smaller one that would force you to repeat the process if you can get a bigger one at finish everything at once, right?

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

Secondly, think about speed. This is something that depends on the machine and it is measured in minutes – how many coins can be processed in one minute. Clearly, you want to purchase a sorter that can count all of them quickly and accurately.

One of the most important things that you have to investigate is whether the device has a coin sorting feature. What is this? Well, some of these machines can not only count but are also able to sort the coins into different categories, according to the value. This is an extremely useful feature because you will not have to lose time sorting. All you have to do is to put them all in, and the machine is going to do this for you.

Our advice is to go with a device that can present you with the sum of money i.e. that can print out a receipt as soon as the process is over. This is extremely convenient if you want to use it for business, and you have to know the exact sum of money.

Finally, another useful thing that you should consider is whether the machine can wrap all the coins in the end. Putting it simply, this is going to save you a lot of time.

Okay, so these are some major points that you have to consider. Now let us present to you some of the best machines.

1. Royal Sovereign Sorter QS-1

Source: Amazon

Do not be fooled by the fact that Royal Sovereign Sorter QS-1 is a manual machine because it is still one of the best on the market. Yes, you are going to have to operate it, but you are going to love the fact that is has a large hopper size. It is also very light which means that you can easily move it around, and it has that useful feature of wrapping the coins.

2. Royal Sovereign FS-44P

Source: eBay

On the other hand, if you want to get an automatic one, then you should consider Royal Sovereign FS-44P. Since this one can do all the work for you, it is perfect if you run a busy store. It has an LED screen that displays all the information, and it can count 312 coins per minute.

3. Pyle Automatic Coin Sorter Counter

Source: eBay

Another one that can prove to be very useful in this scenario is Pyle Automatic Coin Sorter Counter. Not only does this machine count all the coins that you put in (those can be of any US currency) but it also sorts them in different batches, according to their value. It will not only count and present you with the sum of 216 coins per minute, but it is also going to dispense them in different containers.

4. Mag-Nif Digital Coin Sorter

Source: PopScreen

If you are on the hunt for a sorter that you are going to use at home which means that it is not required to possess some major features and that it is also very economical, learn more about Mag-Nif Digital Coin Sorter. Yes, it does have a low hopper capacity, but you probably do not need one that is powerful. It is extremely easy to operate, it is fast, and finally, it is cost-effective.

5. Cassida C200 Coin Sorter

Source: eBay

Furthermore, if you are in need of a powerful machine, then you should definitely go with Cassida C200 Coin Sorter. Besides being able to count 300 coins per minute, it possesses 3 different operation modes. Although it doesn’t have the option of printing receipts, and that is quite large and expensive, without a doubt, it possesses the largest hopper capacity which means that you can put 2000 coins in it.

6. Cassida C100

Source: American Cash Machines

Another great product is called Cassida C100. It can hold 1,500 coins and operate 200 of them per minute. It sorts all of them in different containers and it can present you with the total number, but also with the total value of all coins in each container. Even though it doesn’t possess the wrapping feature, since it sorts them into different little drawers, at least this is something that you won’t have to do.

7. Royal Sovereign FS-2D

Source: Currency Counting Solutions

Royal Sovereign FS-2D is a model that is most frequently used because it has the best ratio of quality and price. Even though it is quite smaller than the previous one (it can take only 400 coins) it performs wonderfully meaning that it is has a high counting speed. In addition, it uses an anti-jamming technology which allows it to run as smooth as possible.