Home Pictures The Evolution Of Buffie The Body..Skinny To Thick Pics

The Evolution Of Buffie The Body..Skinny To Thick Pics

Everyone always wants to see the before the donk photos of these super thick models like Buffie The Body.

In these pictures Buffie goes from 119lbs to 180lbs

According to Buffie:

No one ever believes me when I tell them that I was once skinny. No bu**, no thighs, no hips…NO NOTHING. I hated being skinny and it truly depressed me. Most of my friends were “shapely and thick” but I wasn’t. My genetics had a lot to do with my slim frame because everyone in my immediate family (except my sis) was slim. I REFUSED to let that be my destiny. I was determined to work AGAINST genetics….and I did. I don’t ever want to see skinny again! Some of you may be able to relate…some of you may not. But at the end of the day it was (and still is) all about being happy with myself.