Home Hair Sons – The Treatments to Fight Hair Loss

Sons – The Treatments to Fight Hair Loss

Source: healthline.com

Men who are encountering hair loss issues might start to worry that there’s no hope for them to quell the rate of their hair loss.

However, we’re here to tell you that there are treatment plans designed to slow the rate of your hair loss and hopefully stop it altogether.

Let’s examine the treatments on offer by Sons to combat the signs of hair loss.


One of the FDA-approved medications we supply, Minoxidil is usually a topical formula that is applied to the scalp twice a day.

It works by increasing the rate of blood flow and oxygen to your blood vessels so they dilate and your hair follicles can get more of the nutrients and vitamins they need for healthy growth. This is all part of the elongation of your hair cycle’s growth stage, which, in turn, reduces how long it spends resting.

Source: sons.co.uk


The other prescribed medication Sons provides is Finasteride, which is primarily an oral tablet that works differently from Minoxidil fundamentally.

The objective of Finasteride is to block the DHT hormone from reaching your scalp. DHT is naturally occurring but large amounts of it can damage your hair follicles. Finasteride forms what is almost a shield against the androgen, leaving your strands in a better place to perform as they should.

Duo Plan or Full Works

Rather than taking just one of these medications and hoping for the best, you could use them both at the same time to increase your odds that your hair loss will slow and stop. Because it’s not always easy to determine the cause of hair loss, using the Duo Plan would enhance your chances of success.

The Full Works package is similar but has the added benefits of Biotin and DHT-Blocking Shampoo, products that have been linked to healthy hair maintenance.

Source: keeps.com


Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is a supplemental tablet that can boost the amount of this vitamin in your body. Biotin is linked towards hair, nail, and skin health because it produces keratin, a protein that is vital for each of those bodily areas.

Biotin is not a hair loss-fighting product, but it can work towards maintaining strong hair by consuming one of these tablets daily.

DHT-Blocking Shampoo

Similarly to Finasteride, our DHT-Blocking Shampoo aims to reduce the level of DHT your scalp faces. Simply wash your hair when you shower using this gentle shampoo and it will get to work on helping your hair.

This is not a prescribed product but has been linked to good hair care for stronger strands generally. Sons’ DHT-Blocking Shampoo can be bought individually or as part of the Full Works plan.

Source: shinyleaf.com

Additionally, it’s essential to note that individual results may vary, and consistency in using these treatments is key to achieving the best outcomes. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new hair loss treatment regimen to ensure it’s suitable for your specific needs. Sons is dedicated to helping men combat hair loss and regain confidence. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information or to discuss which treatment plan might be right for you. Remember, there is hope for slowing down and managing hair loss effectively with the right approach.

If you want any more information on the products we provide, get in touch with us today.