The best tarot readings & psychics online for Taurus show a loyal, sensual and tenacious personality. At a glance, that can seem like the perfect recipe for romance, but the Bull has one major characteristic standing in the way: a love of staying home. As earth signs, Tauruses are incredibly grounded, but this can make it challenging to find someone special. However, there are tips to help those born under the Bull discover their perfect match.
Take a Chance on Love
Earth signs plant deep roots, and Taurus is the quintessential earth sign. If the Bull gets comfortable being single, it may not feel the need to look elsewhere.
However, it’s possible for a Taurus to want companionship, but dislike the change necessary to find it. Ruled by Venus, love is a primary driver for those born under this constellation. Familial and platonic love can be fulfilling for some, but individuals who crave true passion must look outside their comfort zone.

Refresh the Wardrobe
One way those born under the Bull can break out of their bubble is to try a new look. Since Tauruses love luxurious-feeling attire, they may spend most of their time in pajamas, robes and other soft, nonrestrictive clothes. The good news is that plenty of fashionable options out there fulfill the Bull’s need for comfort.
For example, oversized blazers are chic, professional and roomy. Scarves are comfy, practical and fashionable. Bohemian dresses are an excellent option for casual summer dates and align with the earthy style that many Tauruses favor.
Try New Activities
According to the Taurus love horoscope, the Bull prefers the familiar. Unfortunately, that’s not a great way to expand social circles.
Instead, individuals born under this sign should look for fun activities to try:
- Take a photography class
- Join a gym
- Go golfing
- Join a bird-watching group
- Go out dancing
- Visit a yoga studio
Going to new places and starting hobbies allows people to meet others who share their interests. Even if they don’t find a romantic partner, they still gain a community, new skills and something they enjoy.

Learn To Let Things Go
Finally, the stubborn Bull needs to let things go if it wants to start a healthy and mutually giving relationship. Being headstrong is one of Taurus’s defining traits, and it has benefits:
- Adhering to personal values
- Supporting friends in their times of need
- Being the rock in a relationship
However, it can also lead to grudges and a lack of compromise. Relationships go two ways; if Tauruses can’t find a middle ground, the partnership will fail.
Meeting a partner halfway is especially important in matters of intimacy. Influenced by Venus, Tauruses chase pleasure, sometimes to their partners’ detriment. The Bull should make an effort to ask after its significant other’s needs for a truly equal union.
The more individuals learn about themselves, the more prepared they are to enter relationships. A good way to discover hidden truths is to talk to psychics. A tarot, astrology or numerology reading can dive deep into clients’ depths, allowing them to better understand their own motives and goals.